Industry, Indigenous groups and all levels of government are working together to encourage responsible resource development in British Columbia and ensuring positive outcomes for sustainable, lasting economic development that supports local communities. Socially and environmentally responsible resource development rooted in local partnerships is the new way of doing business – and B.C. is leading the way.
For example, the Golden Triangle region in northwest BC has been a focus of mineral exploration and mining activity for 150 years. Learn more about the Golden Triangle.
Culture & Community

Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
The BCMA plays a key role in advancing British Columbia’s commitment to lasting reconciliation by demonstrating what meaningful engagement and collaboration with Indigenous nations looks like. Our success stories with the Nisga’a Nation demonstrate the vast opportunities for joint decision-making, wealth and capacity building, employment, revenue sharing, investment, economic growth, and partnership with Indigenous nations and businesses across the entire mining life cycle.

Nisga’a Treaty Provides Certainty for Industry
The Nisga’a Final Agreement is British Columbia’s first modern treaty and a landmark in the relationship between Canada and its Indigenous peoples. It is the first treaty in B.C. to provide constitutional certainty in respect of an Aboriginal people’s right to self-government, recognizing Nisga’a Nation’s ownership of and jurisdiction over its lands and opening the door for joint economic initiatives in the development of its natural resources. Nisga’a Lisims Government actively seeks to engage potential investors willing to explore opportunities on its land.
“Many companies investing in B.C. have figured out that collaborative relationships with Indigenous governments are creating improved investment certainty.”
Regional Chief Terry Teegee, B.C. Assembly of First Nations
Supporting Economic Development and Community Sustainability
By creating opportunities for information sharing, economic capacity building, employment and skills training, the BCMA is on a mission to create thriving, inclusive and sustainable mineral exploration communities in the province. Every year, we support Indigenous representatives to attend AME Roundup to learn about the mineral exploration and mining industries, meet and network with active mining proponents, and observe meetings and panel discussions involving leadership and staff.